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Education definition essay

Education definition essay

education definition essay

Webeducation, discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization (e.g., rural development projects and education through parent-child Web17/08/ · Inclusive education essay Download Inclusive education is a type of education wherein all students in a school, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, become part of the school community. A feeling of belonging among other students, teachers, and support staff is being promoted 21/11/ · Education is the process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human beings. It can also be defined as the “Process of imparting or acquiring knowledge or habits

Essay: What is an Education? | SchoolWorkHelper

When talking about education people often confuse it with schooling. Many think of places like schools or colleges when seeing or hearing the word. They might also education definition essay to particular jobs like teacher or tutor. The problem with this is that while looking to help people learn, the way a lot of schools and teachers operate is not necessarily something we can properly call education. Paulo Freire famously called this banking — making deposits of knowledge. Education, as we understand it here, is a process of inviting truth and possibility, of encouraging and giving time to discovery. In this view educators look to learning and being with others rather than acting upon them.

Their task is education definition essay educe related to the Greek notion of educere education definition essay, to bring out or develop potential both in themselves and others. Such education is:. It is often said that we are learning all the time and that we may not be conscious of it happening. Learning is both a process and an outcome. As a process, it is part of being and living in the world, part of the way our bodies work. As an outcome, it is a new understanding or appreciation of something, education definition essay. In recent years, education definition essay, developments in neuroscience have shown us how learning takes place both in the body and as a social activity, education definition essay.

We are social animals. As a result, educators need to focus on creating environments and relationships for learning rather than trying to drill knowledge into themselves and others. Teachers are losing the education war because our adolescents are distracted by the social world. They desperately want to learn, but what they want to learn about is their social world—how it works and how they can secure a place in it that will maximize their social rewards and minimize the social pain they feel. Their brains are built to education definition essay these strong social motivations and to use the mentalizing system to help them along. Evolutionarily, the social interest of adolescents is no distraction.

Rather, it is the most important thing they can learn well. Lieberman The cultivation of learning is a cognitive and emotional and social activity Illeris Alison Gopnik has provided a helpful way of understanding this orientation. It is that educators, pedagogues and practitioners need to be gardeners rather than carpenters. A key theme emerging from her research over the last 30 years or so that runs in parallel with Lieberman, is that children learn by actively engaging their social and physical environments — not by passively absorbing information. They learn from other people, not because they are being taught — but because people are doing and talking about interesting things. The emphasis in a lot of the literature about parenting and teaching presents the roles much like that of a carpenter.

You should pay some attention to the kind of material you are working with, and it may have some influence on what you try to do. But essentially your job is to shape that material into a final product that will fit the scheme you had in mind to begin with. When we garden, on the other hand, we create a protected and nurturing space for plants to flourish. It takes hard labor and the sweat of our brows, with a lot of exhausted digging and wallowing in manure. And as any gardener knows, education definition essay, our specific plans are always thwarted. The poppy comes up neon orange instead of pale pink, the rose that was supposed to climb the fence stubbornly remains a foot from the ground, black spot and rust and aphids can never be defeated.

Education is deliberate. We act with a purpose — to build understanding and judgement and enable action. We may do this for ourselves, for example, learning what different road signs mean so that we can get a license to drive; or watching wildlife programmes on television because we are interested in animal behaviour. This process is sometimes called self-education or teaching yourself, education definition essay. We join with the journey that the writer, presenter or expert is making, think about it and develop our understanding. Hopefully, we bring that process and understanding into play when we need to act.

We also seek to encourage learning in others while being open to learning ourselves. Examples here include parents and carers showing their children how to use a knife and fork or ride a bike; schoolteachers introducing students to a foreign language; and animators and pedagogues helping a group to work together. In the case of the former, we might be working to a curriculum, have a session or lesson plan with clear objectives, and have a high degree of control over the learning environment. In the latter, for example, when working with a community group, the setting is theirs and, as educators, we are present as guests, education definition essay.

This is an education definition essay of informal education and here two things are happening. First, the group may well be clear on what it wants to achieve e. putting on an event, but unclear about what they need to learn to do it. They know learning is involved — it is something necessary to achieve what they education definition essay — but it is not the main focus. People know they need to learn something but cannot necessarily specify it in advance Brookfield Second, this learning activity works largely through conversation — and conversation takes unpredictable turns. It is a dialogical rather than curricula form of education.

Educators set out to emancipate and enlarge experience How closely the subject matter is defined in advance, and by whom, differs from situation to situation, education definition essay. John Ellis has developed a useful continuum — arguing that most education involves a mix of the informal and formal, of conversation and curriculum i, education definition essay. between points X and Y. Those that describe themselves as informal educators, social pedagogues or as animators of community learning and development tend to work towards the X; those working as subject teachers or lecturers tend to the Y. Educators when facilitating tutor groups might, overall, work somewhere in the middle. Underpinning intention is an attitude or virtue — hopefulness.

In other words, we invite people to learn and act in the belief that change for the good is possible. We can quickly see how such hope is both a part of the fabric of education — and, for many, education definition essay, an aim of education. Mary Warnock puts it this way:. I think that of all the attributes that I would like to education definition essay in my children or in my pupils, education definition essay, the attribute of hope would come high, even top, of the list. To lose hope is to lose the capacity to want or desire anything; to lose, in fact, the wish to live. Hope is akin to energy, to curi­osity, to the belief that things are worth doing.

An education which leaves a child without hope is an education that has failed. An emotion. We do not know what will happen but take a gamble. A choice or intention to act. Hope alone will not transform the world. Hope and action are linked. An intellectual activity. Hope is not just feeling or striving, according to McQuarrie it has a cognitive or intellectual aspect. It helps us to critique the world as it is and our part in it, and not to just imagine change but also to plan it Moltman It also allows us, and others, to ask questions of our hopes, to request evidence for our claims.

See, what is hope? Education is wrapped up with who we are as learners and facilitators of learning — and how we are experienced by learners. In order education definition essay think about this, it is helpful to look back at a basic distinction made by Erich Frommamongst others, between having and being. Fromm approaches these as fundamental modes of existence. He saw them as two different ways of understanding ourselves and the world in which we live. Having is concerned with owning, possessing and controlling. It looks to objects and material possessions.

Being is rooted in love according to Education definition essay. It is concerned with shared experience and productive activity. Rather than seeking to possess and control, in this mode, we engage with the world. They do not have to produce or create something new…. The process of learning has an entirely different quality for students education definition essay the being mode… Instead of being education definition essay receptacles of words and ideas, education definition essay, they listen, they hearand most important, education definition essay, they receive and they respond in an active, productive way, education definition essay.

Fromm education definition essay In many ways, this difference mirrors that between education and schooling, education definition essay. Schooling entails transmitting knowledge in manageable lumps so it can be stored and then used so that students can pass tests and have qualifications. Education involves engaging with others and the world. It entails being with others in a particular way, education definition essay. Here I want to explore three aspects — being respectful, informed and wise. The process of education flows from education definition essay basic orientation of respect — respect for truth, education definition essay, others and themselves, and the world.

It is an attitude or feeling education definition essay is carried through into concrete action, into the way we treat people, for example. Respect, education definition essay, as R. In other words, when we respect something we value it enough to make it our focus and to try to see it for what it is, rather than what we might want it to be. It is so important that it calls for our recognition and our regard — and we choose to respond. We can see this at work in our everyday relationships. When we think highly of someone we may well talk about respecting them — and listen carefully to what they say or value the example they give.

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education definition essay

WebAs defined by the dictionary, school is an institution for instruction in a particular skill or field and education has been defined as the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually 13/09/ · An education could also be defined as the tool of advancing mankind’s collective knowledge in different areas such as business, science, arts, and politics. Nations invest in the Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death.

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